On October 25, 2017, at the National Technical University of Ukraine ” Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” the round table “Academic entrepreneurship and start-up activity of students in conditions of European integration” was held. The event took place according to start of the joint project of Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Fund «European business models: transformation, harmonization and implementation in Ukraine» (№ 587138-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE).

The round table was attended by about 40 people. There were representatives of different target groups – teachers, researchers, post-graduate students, students, professional groups.

During the event, the Polish expert on European Studies Małgorzata Okreglicka (PhD, Czestochowa University of Technology) presented online the results of her research in academic entrepreneurship of the EU and Ukraine.

Marina Shkrobot also made a short report (Lain Kirkland Scholarship Absolvent 2016-2017 in Poland); as well as Eugenia Chvetko (executive director of the National Certification of the International Institute of Welding and the European Federation of Welding); Alina Strilez (Export Promotion Office); Katerina Bukreeva and Oksana Buzynnik (participants in academic mobility Erasmus + 2015-2016 in the Netherlands and Turkey); Students-developers of the start-up “Digget” – Stanislav Lyutenko, Viktor Yatskin, Alexander Bukach, Serhiy Lozovsky.

The following topics were discussed: teaching methodology in the context of European integration of Ukraine; raising the level of economic subjects teaching in the conditions of globalization and European integration of Ukraine; organization of students research work in the economic disciplines learning: European and international experience.

On October 31, 2017, the public seminar “European Model of Business Excellence” was held.  The event was attended by more than 100 students from the Faculty of Management and Marketing, postgraduate students and teachers of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

The purpose of the workshop is to provide EFQM model skills that will help students understand the approaches of leading European companies and evaluate the activities of Ukrainian companies in comparison with the leaders in a competitive market.

The speaker focused on such topics as EFQM’s ability for control and improvement; reasons and prospects for companies that have received the European Quality Award; the criteria of the EFQM to determine the object for benchmarking.

During the event participants were involved in team work, in particular, tests, quizzes, own small projects, assessing the attributes of business skills, etc. At the end of the seminar, students received comprehensive advice on access to the Internet service ExcellenceOne.


Проведена відкрита лекція,  дата проведення – 14.11.2017, тема – “Стандарти маркетингових досліджень: досвід ЄС та рекомендації для України”, лектор – д.е.н., проф. Шульгіна Л.М. У лекції взяли участь 77 слухачів, з них: неекономічних спеціальностей – 34, з тимчасово окупованих територій – 4, іноземних громадян – 1. На лекції окреслено місце маркетингового дослідження у системі досліджень, визначено зміст міжнародних професійних кодексів та стандартів, а також кодексів ESOMAR, наведено економічні, соціальні та психічні причини порушень стандартів у маркетингових дослідженнях і ін. Запрошений гість (по скайп зв’язку) PhD Ян Сконєчний, виступив із характеристикою вимог до нових стандартів освіти у презентації «University of XXI century». 



On 7, 9, 14, 16th of November 2017, the training courses «EU as Endeavor Entrepreneur» and «Benchmarking and Strategic Implementation of the European Business Model for Ukraine» were held.

The goal of the training is to show the EU as entrepreneur that gives advantages and perspectives both for individuals and for the society and to gain competencies and practical skills in developing own business models, business projects, focused on European competition policy.

32 students from the Igor Sikorsky KPI (Management and Marketing; Aerospace Systems; Informatics and Computer Science; Radio Engineering; Heat and Power Engineering; Physics and Technology; Instrumentation Engineering) and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv took part in the trainings.

Experts were invited to the event:

– Andreas Flodstrom – a co-founder of Beetroot Resources (a Swedish outsourcing IT company based in Ukraine and Moldova, specializing in web development and web design, targeting the markets of Europe and the United States).

– Andriy Khodos and Igor Kuzio – founders and owners of Bright ideas hub (specialization: Internet marketing).

– Sergey Lozovsky – a leader and developer of the Digget start-up.

Trainings were organized by Assistant Professors of the Department of Management Maryna Pichugina and Lina Artemenko.

The trainers focused on topics of: EU influence on the participants’ professional future, the EU platforms for business development, the successful European business practices, and skills of innovative business ideas transformation into a business model. Students received the practical experience of effective team interaction in solving business simulations. The training program used various teaching techniques: discussions, debates, case studies, brief presentations, analytical and teamwork. At the end of the trainings, the participants received consultations on the following project activities and certificates.

According to the results of the trainings, 6 projects were developed and submitted by the student teams. 10 students were invited to an internship at Bright ideas hub.





On November 15, 17 and December 12, 19 2017 training courses “Harmonization of Standards as the Basis for the Introduction of European Business Models in Ukraine” (trainer – doctor of economics, professor Liudmyla Shulgina) and “System approach to harmonization of standards – a guarantee of success of European business models in Ukraine” (trainer – Ph.D. Ganna Zhaldak) were held.

The purpose of the trainings was to familiarize participants with the instruments of harmonizing Ukraine’s standards with the EU standards, as well as provide participants with practical skills in using standards for the successful implementation of European business models at their own businesses in Ukraine and the EU.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the target groups of trainings (which are students and graduate students in economic, technical and biomedical fields), trainers successfully applied various methods of activation and involvement of the audience: mini-lectures, brainstorming, role-playing games, debates, etc. The practical orientation of the trainings was strengthened by the speeches of the invited business representatives: an independent consultant in marketing management (Ph.D. Irina Kovshova), administrator of the LLC Center “PROCOM” (Natalia Burbelo), representative of the PUMB bank management (Mychailo Liubits). Practices have focused on such topical issues as: studying client experience and customer communication in EU and Ukraine; harmonization of standards and their influence on the formation and development of European business models in Ukraine.


On November 21, 23, 28, 30, and December 7, 2017 the training courses on “Integration Transformations of the EU: Trends, Dynamics, Priorities” (trainer, Prof. Dergacheva V.V.) and “Achievements and Prospects of European Integration for Ukraine” (trainer, Associate Professor Manaenko I.M.) were held.

During the events presentations were made by invited representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Institute for Strategic Studies, the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Industry Expertise”, representatives of IT business. The invited participants raised a special interest from the students, this helped to identify and substantiate the practical aspects of Ukraine’s European integration, the prospects for EU development.

On December 5, 2017, a lecture “Origins of the emergence and development of European integration” was organized by PhD, Senior Lecturer of Management Department Kateryna Kuznietsova, with participation of the invited speaker Vladislav Dykyi.

The event was attended by over 80 students and lecturers from the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

During the event, Vladislav Dykyi, Deputy Head of Retail Payments Department, Chief of the Department for Interaction with Payment Market Participants, Department of Payment Systems and Innovative Development, National Bank of Ukraine, made a short presentation. The speakers focused on such topical issues as: activation of integration processes, the formation of European integration, adaptation of the Ukrainian economy to entry into the financial non-cash space in conditions of European integration.

At the end of the event the participants got acquainted with the projects of further development of the national payment system and received comprehensive consultations on the issues of organization and development of payment infrastructure.