On March 29, 2018, a FORUM WITH PANEL DISCUSSIONS “TRANSFER OF EUROPEAN POLICY, STRATEGIES AND BUSINESS PRACTICES” was held at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Panel discussions were proposed on the following areas:
- Modern vector of world economy development in conditions of global instability.
- Innovative-investment processes and international scientific and technical cooperation.
- Current trends in the development of international management, innovation and logistics.
The urgency of the chosen areas of panel discussions were provided not only a broad representation at the forum of business practitioners, teachers, postgraduates, students, but also a large number of questions for speakers and hot discussions.
The discussions were attended by:
-Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Professor Sergiy Shukaev;
– director of the National Erasmus + office in Ukraine Svitlana Shitikova;
– Head of the Ukrainian Association of Teachers and Researchers of European Integration Irina Sikorska.
The results of the research and training conducted within the framework of the European Union project Erasmus + direct Jean Monnet “European Business Models: Transformation, Harmonization and Implementation in Ukraine” were presented by its organizers. Project leader, Professor Lyudmila Shulgina pointed to the successful joint research conducted by the Ukrainian and Polish students, trainers; Associate Professor Lina Artemenko and Associate Professor Marina Pichugina emphasized on the relevance and practical orientation of the trainings, thanks to which they received positive feedback from the participants; PhD Anna Zhaldak described methodical methods of success in conducting trainings.
Participants of the forum also listened to the speeches of business representatives, in particular: the director of the representation of Agiplan (Germany) Jean Bach; Managing partner of VANHEALTHING Cryptofund of Biotech innovations (Ukraine) Yaroslav Kologryvov; GR and PR manager, Beten Enzeniereri International (Ukraine – France) Carina Musina and others.
In February-March 2018 trainings were conducted:
1) “Harmonization of standards as the basis for the introduction of European business models in Ukraine”(trainer – Shulgina L.M.)
2) “System approach to harmonization of standards – a guarantee of success of European business models in Ukraine”(trainer – Zhaldak Н.P.).
The purpose of the training was to familiarize the audience with the tools of harmonizing Ukraine’s standards with the EU standards, as well as to provide participants with practical skills in using standards for the successful implementation of European business models at their own business in Ukraine and the EU.
Taking into account the specifics of the target groups of trainings (which are students and graduate students in economic, technical and biomedical fields), coaches successfully applied various methods of activation and involvement of the audience: mini-lectures, brainstorming, case studies, role-playing games, debates, etc. The highlight of the training was marketing research conducted simultaneously by Ukrainian and Polish students (Czestochowa technological university). Subject of research wasthe quality of services: tourist, express delivery, hotel, rail transport, educational and medical. The results of the research were the basis for the creation of team projects devoted to the development of quality standards in selected areas of service delivery.
During the trainings the participants received comprehensive consultations of trainers on harmonization of Ukraine’s standards with EU standards, as well as presented team projects. The urgency of the selected themes, the depth of studying the problems and the innovative approach to their solution are confirmed by certificates of the European model, which have received 6 teams of developers (30 participants).
On 14, 16, 21, 23th of March 2018, the training courses «EU as Endeavor Entrepreneur» and «Benchmarking and Strategic Implementation of the European Business Model for Ukraine» were held at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
The goal of the training is to show the EU as entrepreneur that gives advantages and perspectives both for individuals and for the society and to gain competencies and practical skills in developing own business models, business projects, focused on European competition policy.
In the second semester of 2017/2018, 30 students from the Igor Sikorsky KPI, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economics University, the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies took part in the trainings.
The event visited as experts:
- Petro Krainik – Manager of the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine, responsible for Jean Monet Activities;
- Kseniya Kalina – Communications Manager of the National Bureau of the EU program “Creative Europe” in Ukraine;
- Andriy Anisimov – CEO & Founder of the FoodBot Start-up;
- Andriy Udovychenko – junior marketing compliance officer in Zeo Alliance.
Trainings were organized by team members of the project “European business models: transformation, harmonization and implementation in Ukraine” Maryna Pichugina and Lina Artemenko.
The trainers focused on topics of: EU influence on the participants’ professional future, the EU platforms for business development, the successful European business practices, and skills of innovative business ideas transformation into a business model. Students received the practical experience of effective team interaction in solving business simulations. The training program used various teaching techniques: discussions, debates, case studies, brief presentations, analytical and teamwork. At the end of the trainings, the participants received consultations on the following project activities and certificates.
According to the results of the trainings, 6 projects were developed and submitted by the student teams.
TRAINING COURSES“Integration Transformation of the EU: Trends, Dynamics, Priorities”(trainer – Dergachova V.V.) and “Achievements an Prospects of European Integration For Ukraine”(trainer – Manaienko I.M.) were realized 5th, 19th, 26thof May.
Participants were students of 2 to 6 courses and postgraduates of FMM. Overall, nearly 60 people visited these courses.
The guests of trainings were representatives of Kyiv National Economy University of V. Getman, analysts of international monetary and financial markets. Participants shared their practice skills in developing of business in conditions of integrative processes.
Students presented their research projects about development EU at all or some countries-participants, some features of Ukraine integration in European economy area. For example, students showed projects such as:
- Austria: economic principles of activity in the EU;
- Interrelation of Belgium and the European Union;
- Comparison of index of economy freedom of Ireland and Ukraine;
- Export of goods from Ukraine to the EU;
- European Union assistance to Ukraine;
- Human Development Index: European Union and Ukraine.
As a result, the most active participants got certificates.
On October 30, 2018, at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” theround table “Academic entrepreneurship and start-up activity of students in conditions of European integration” was held.
The round table was attended by about 40 people. There were representatives of the different target groups – teachers, researchers, post-graduate students, students, professional groups. During the event, a constructive discussion was held on academic mobility and the startups of the students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
During the event there was an online conversation with Czestochowa Technological University. Poland was represented by: Malgozhata Okreglitska (PhD, Czestochowa Technological University) and five students. Interactive communication was active and related to the subjects of academic entrepreneurship in the EU and Ukraine.
The invited participants made the following reports: Glushchenko Anna (marketer, UBG Corporation), Stupak Hanna («MarketingWarriors», co-founder), Brozko Oleksiy (participant in international academic internship in 2018-2019, Poland), Artemenko Olga (participant Erasmus + 2017-2018 program (Germany).
The following topics were discussed: teaching methodology in the context of European integration of Ukraine; raising the level of economic subjects teaching in the conditions of globalization and European integration of Ukraine; organization of students research work in the economic disciplines learning: European and international experience.
On 23, 26, 30 October and 1 November 2018the training courses“Integration Transformation of the EU: Trends, Dynamics, Priorities” (trainer Prof. V. V. Dergacheva) and “Achievements and Prospects of European Integration for Ukraine” (trainer Assoc. Professor I. M. Manaienko)were held at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
The participants of the training were post-graduate students and students of 2-5 coursesofdifferentspecialtiesoftheIgor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,theEuropeanUniversity, the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. About 60peopletookpartinthetrainings.
During the trainings, participants received basic knowledge of EU expansion priorities, European experience of supranational management, business development in European integration, organizational and economic success of Ukraine’s European integration, the role of the EU in shaping the country’s economic security, etc. Trainers successfully applied various methods of activation and involvement of the audience: mini-lectures, brainstorming, role-playing games, debates, etc.
Leading specialists in European integration are also involved in improving the level of practical mastering of the knowledge gained by the participants.
Experts were invited to the event:
- MartyniukVolodymyr, doctorofeconomics, ProfessorattheHigherSchoolofEconomicsandInnovationinLublin;
- MarkovRuslan, PhD, AdvisortotheHeadoftheDonetskRegionalStateAdministrationondevelopmentofagroindustrialcomplexintheconditionsofEuropeanintegration;
- KravchenkoValeriy, PhD, SeniorResearcher, DepartmentofForeignPolicyandInternationalSecurity, NationalInstituteforStrategicStudies;
- LyashenkoAlexandra, DoctorofEconomics, Professor, DepartmentofManagement, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Accordingtotheresultsofthetraining, themostactiveparticipantsreceivedcertificates.
On 13, 14, 19, 22th of November 2018, the training courses «EU as Endeavor Entrepreneur» and «Benchmarking and Strategic Implementation of the European Business Model for Ukraine» were held at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Trainings were organized by Maryna Pichugina and Lina Artemenko.
The goal of the training is to show the EU as entrepreneur that gives advantages and perspectives both for individuals and for the society and to gain competencies and practical skills in developing own business models, business projects, focused on European competition policy.
In the first semester of 2018/2019, 30 students and phD-students from the Igor Sikorsky KPI, the Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration, the National Transport University, the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, the NationalAviation University andWrocław University of Science and Technology (Poland)took part in the trainings.
The event visited as experts:
– Enes Eryarsoy, PhD, School of Management and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul Sehir University (Turkey);
– Yaroslav Burkovsky– winner of the Sikorsky Challenge 2016 startup contest, team leader of the project “Intelligent wireless charger WiCharge”;
– Andriy Yerofeyev– co-author of the project-winner of the city contests Gromadsky Budget (Budget of participation) 2018 “Youth Robotics Laboratory RTF lab”;
– Artemenko Olga– participant Erasmus + 2017-2018 program (Germany);
– Victor Kovalenko– Executive Vice-President in JCI Youth.
These courses enhance students’ understanding the modern European integration process, its impact and perspectives for everyone. Students received basic information on the influence of the EU on their industry, on the economy of Ukraine. The courses helps students to: work with web platforms that provide information about the EU and grant projects; gives the opportunity to use these tools for practical purposes; improve skills in developing own projects and in solving business simulation.
Students received the practical experience of effective team interaction. The program included: discussions, debates, case studies, brief presentations, analytical and teamwork. At the end of the trainings, the participants received certificates.
According to the results of the trainings, 6 projects were developed and presented by the student teams.
On November 28, 2018, the second public seminar “European Model of Business Excellence”was held within the course «Fundamentals of Modern Organizations». It referred to additional, optional classes. The 2-hours event was attended by students and teachers of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
The main idea was to provide EFQM model skills and to understand the approaches of the leading European companies. The speaker (Maryna Pichugina) focused on the “excellence” idea, the EFQM’s ability for improvement; reasons for applying for the European Quality Award; the criteria of the EFQM (Leadership, Policy and Strategy, People, Partnerships and Resources, Processes, Customer Results, People Results, Society Results, Key Performance Results).
During the event participants were involved in team work, in particular, tests, quizzes, cinquain creation, assessing the attributes of business skills, etc.
On November 23, 24, 26 and 29 in the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute trainings “Harmonization of Standards as Basis for the Introduction of the European Business Model in Ukraine” and“System Approach to Harmonizing Standards – a Guarantee of Success of the European Business Model in Ukraine”took place.
The purpose of the trainings is to substantiate the importance of the harmonizing the EU and Ukraine standards to improve business conditions in Ukraine, to provide knowledge about standardization systems and honest business practices, as well as to develop competencies of participants for creating their own effective startup projects.
Trainers – project team leader, Doctor of Economics, Professor Liudmyla SHULHINA and project participant Ph.D. Hanna ZHADLAK familiarized the audience with the essence and tools of harmonization of Ukraine’s standards with the EU standards, with the dynamics and role of this process in the implementation of European business models in Ukraine. At the same time, the idea of the need for a systematic approach towards harmonization of standards dominated. This included taking into account the experience of the EU market, the impact of science and education on the economy, the role of socially-oriented business and other innovative changes in the business environment.
The participants received a lot of interesting and useful information about the standards in the EU, through online communication with the European experts(Professor Josef Shopinski from Lublin University of Technology (Poland); Head of Department of Marketing – Professor Barbara Ivankevich-Rak from Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland); Professor Nadiya Dubrovina from the University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia)).
It should be noted that there is a significant expansion of the trainings’ audiencein the current (third) “season”. In addition to students, postgraduates and teachers of the Igor Sikorsky KPI, this time, the representation of well-known Kyiv universities was important, including: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design, Municipal extracurricular school “Kyiv Youth Academy of Sciences”.
As a result of the trainings, teams developed and presented 9 own projects. The participants of the trainings received practical skills of effective team interaction while working on projects, in which they have perfected the existing or developed their own standards for the successful implementation of European business models in Ukraine. A highlight of the trainings was the joint work of students of various specialties (including future managers, economists, marketers, journalists, engineers, etc.) and their teachers. This enabled, on the one hand, to reveal various problems of the development of communities and regions, and on the other hand helped representatives of different professions to hear each other and to create a network of communication for the future. During the presentation of their projects, all participants clearly demonstrated the understanding of the link between the harmonizing standards and the possibilities of reducing bureaucracy, the introduction of honest business, the production of safe products, the development of competent staff, as well as a society without corruption. So, the trainers managed to achieve their goals!
Presentationsof trainers can be downloaded by the link:
On November 29, 2018 an open lecture “Origins of the emergence and development of European integration”was organized by PhD, Associate prof. of Management Department (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute) Kuznietsova Kateryna.
During the lecture it was considered the topic of evolution and emergence of Western European integration and the formation of the European Union, as the ways and means of its growth well were discussed. In particular, it was considered the aspect of the EU success, concerning the development of small and medium-sized businesses and the possibility of transferring the European countries experience to the Ukrainian economy.
To show the practical side of this issue, CEO of LLC « Company Quality Guaranteed» Yegor Shyshenok with the presentation “Building a Business – From Idea to Success” was invited.
The event was attended by over 110 students of 1-6 courses of the Management and Marketing Faculty, the Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering, post-graduate students and teachers of the Management department of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Проведена відкрита лекція на тему: “Стандарти маркетингових досліджень: досвід ЄС та рекомендації для України”, дата проведення – 18.12.2018, лектор – д.е.н., проф. Шульгіна Л.М.; учасників – 79 осіб, з них: неекономічних спеціальностей – 34, з тимчасово окупованих територій – 4, іноземних громадян – 1. Маркетингове дослідження як результат і як чинник у системі досліджень. Зміст міжнародних професійних кодексів та стандартів; кодекси ESOMAR. Вимоги до відносин між замовником і підрядником, які записані в кодексах та стандартах маркетингових досліджень. Приклади та наслідки невідповідності; економічні, соціальні та психічні причини порушень стандартів у маркетингових дослідженнях. Негативний вплив порушень стандартів на бізнес. Перспективи контрольних механізмів стандартів маркетингових досліджень в Україні